

Atom Team Ready to Assist Partnering State and Local Governments in Managing Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Funds

Atom Team Ready to Assist Partnering State and Local Governments in Managing Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Funds

John Biesak


December 2, 2022

November 15th marked the one-year anniversary of President Joe Biden signing the massive infrastructure bill that is effectively sending billions of dollars to state and local government agencies to help maintain, manage, and repair critical infrastructure across the country. In recent statements, the White House has signaled more of these funds are beginning to be disbursed to said entities.

With billions in funding available, it is crucial to understand how to maximize and prioritize spending with effective approaches to better support the public. By leveraging a software as a service (SaaS) product such as Atom, several state and local agencies are already benefiting. Agencies are gaining a more comprehensive understanding of their current inventory, potential gaps and ultimately, the most appropriate way to allocate this funding courtesy of Atom’s robust analytics. 

The goal of the Atom Team has always been to make managing extremely robust projects and workflows easier in an enterprise-heavy space. The Team’s commitment to our partnering states — and the citizens who live there — is to collaboratively improve public circumstances for them and their constituents. The Atom Team’s vision is to use software and technology to make the world a better place — a place managed with efficiency and public transparency. 

The Atom Team is extremely excited to see the White House continue to provide additional infrastructure funding support, and look forward to supporting all current and future partnering agencies in better understanding how to manage and spend said dollars to improve local communities.

- The Atom Team
