Building Your Inventory
The Inventory Portal allows users to create, manage, and track various assets from bridges to equipment and more. Assets can be prioritized based on schedules and need, and overall inventory can be linked to work to track cost and budget.
Data Management
Atom allows users to build, manage, and maintain their own dataset(s) and overall asset management systems. Users can create folder layout, schema, conditional data elements, editable elements, data layout, elements shared between asset types, teams, and more.
Data Implementation
The Atom Team has done massively complex data migrations. We have experience in cloud networking, storage, on-premises dependencies, ensuring data ownership, snapshotting data, disaster recovery modeling and building easy to understand APIs.
GIS Integration
The Atom Team has experience with integration for a variety of complex geospatial systems. This includes ESRI, ESRI’s Roads and Highway, a variety of other linear referencing systems, and nuanced fleet management systems.